A web documentary about living small with less stuff
Minimalism as a lifestyle means a conscious renunciation to make room for the essentials. We talked with Victoria, Kjell Arne and Kristine who find themselves in different stages in life, but share a common interest in the simple way of living. Along with their stories they also share tricks on how to live a more minimal life.
A not too large vessel floats ashore along the coast in Steinsvik. It has sailed around half the globe, been through storms with eight meter waves thrown at it. It has also been their home for the last ten years.
A not too large vessel floats ashore along the coast in Steinsvik. It has sailed around half the globe, been through storms with eight meter waves thrown at it. It has also been their home for the last ten years.
Welcome to Kjell Arne and Kristines boat:
Click and drag around the 360 experience below. Here you will find videos and stories about their way of living.
Camping wherever she wants to: The idea of living in a van was always in the back of her head, as Victoria decided to change her studies from Trondheim to Volda. She also realized that in such a small city it would be great to have a car to get around other places.
Camping wherever she wants to: The idea of living in Van was always in the back of her head, as Victoria decided to change her studies from Trondheim to Volda. She also realized that in such a small city it would be great to have a car to get around other places.
Victoria took the opportunity: In June 2020, amidst the pandemic, she bought her campervan without knowing much about it. Just doing it and figuring things out while she was going. We visited her with a lot of questions about where to start a life like this, positive sides and challenges and all about the simple life with less clutter.
Victoria found the space for her van on Facebook. When it comes to the economic part of van life she thinks that she is spending the same amount of money as if she was living in a flat. If there is something with the car it gets expensive quickly so sometimes it scares her to spend that much money on her van because she is also dependent on selling the car again in the end. However, a big advantage is that she is renting out her car in the summertime as an easy way of having a summer job and earning money.
In the 360 picture you can explore all the different aspects of her life in the van through videos and texts. Let's explore her story here:
Today minimalism has become a popular topic many people talk about. There are several videos about how to transform your car into a camper van, blogs and documentaries about simple living and you can even make money by giving others advice for decluttering. We discussed this trending topic with Kjell Arne, Kristine and Victoria and got some interesting facts and views on the topic. In addition you can try two challenges yourself for the beginning of a life with less stuff.
- Kjell Arne Steinsvik
- Victoria Dørheim
Victoria, Kjell Arne and Kristina did not have much knowledge about living a life in a van or boat when they decided to change their lifestyle. For them, it was about jumping into it, and learning from the process. Maybe there is something about this thought we can transfer to other aspects of life: To go for the goals we want to achieve, and take the risk of failure.